by Krissy Allacher | Jul 17, 2024 | Donor Stories, Scholarships
First-generation Fort Hays State University graduate Jeff Kesler always hoped to pay it forward to FHSU students but was unsure where to begin. His experience at FHSU provided the opportunities and mentors to make his decades-long career in banking possible. With a...
by Krissy Allacher | Jul 3, 2024 | Donor Stories, Scholarships
Few things made Fort Hays State University alumnus Mike Morgison happier than getting his hands dirty. From a messy, rough-and-tumble boy to a skilled man who could reassemble almost anything he pulled apart, Mike exemplified the value of hard work. Before he passed...
by Krissy Allacher | Feb 7, 2024 | Donor Stories, Scholarships, Uncategorized
Jan Jecha and his father, Dr. Larry Jecha, share an important connection beyond being father and son— their time at Fort Hays State University. When Jan and his partner, Lawrence, decided to create an endowed scholarship at Fort Hays State, they knew exactly who...
by Krissy Allacher | Jul 12, 2023 | Donor Stories
In the late 1960s, a curiosity ignited in Dale Chaffin when a young woman studying near a sunny window in the Fort Hays State University Memorial Union caught his eye. Little did he know that this woman, Sherry, would later become his beautiful bride of 50 years. The...
by zrwoolf | Apr 5, 2023 | Donor Stories, Fort Hays State University
Fort Hays State University alumni Dave and Cathy Van Doren have enriched their lives traveling the world. To help FHSU students do the same, the couple has established a scholarship to cover airfare costs for students interested in studying abroad. Growing up in...
by zrwoolf | Dec 5, 2022 | Donor Stories, Legacy Gift
Growing up in a rural community, 1970 Fort Hays State University alumnus Dr. Glenn Tucker recognized the importance of lending a hand. From the small rural Kansas township of Ogallah, with a current population of 83, Tucker understood the challenges young adults from...
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