Securing A Strong Future

Named for the fourth president of Fort Hays State University, the Lyman Dwight Wooster Society seeks to honor individuals who arrange gifts to the Fort Hays State University Foundation through planned giving.

These generous and visionary individuals ensure the strong future of Fort Hays State University.

Wooster Members Improve the Future

By including FHSU in their estate plans, the scholarships established by Kenton and Carol will impact Fort Hays State students for years to come.

Watch their video to learn more about why they made this decision.

“There were always leaders with courage and hope to point the way.”
—Lyman Dwight Wooster, Fourth President of Fort Hays State University

Your Time to Lead

“The overall objective and function of education in America is to prepare people for responsible living in a democracy.”

To Dr. Wooster, the all-important, all-inclusive word in that statement was responsible. The creation of the FHSU Foundation was a tribute to Dr. Wooster’s belief in societal responsibility to education. Through the Wooster Society, donors of planned gifts enact Wooster’s vision.

Membership in the Wooster Society is dependent on whether you have left something to FHSU in your will or trust or have made the university a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, donor-advised fund, or retirement account. There is no specific monetary benchmark associated with the group; however, you must document your gift with the FHSU Foundation office.